Woman Moves To A New House, Only To Discover That Its Chicken Coop Is Full Of Surprises


Julia Davis discovered a white cat in her new home in Birmingham, Alabama, left behind by the previous owners. Initially thinking he was a stray, Julia soon learned he belonged to the previous residents who had moved away, leaving the cat behind. Falling in love with the friendly feline, Julia named him Cooper and began caring for him. She shared their story on social media, where she received an outpouring of support from online strangers who helped her care for Cooper and other cats in the neighborhood. With the community's help, the cats now have a better life. Julia continues to share updates on TikTok about Cooper, Rufus, and the rest of the feline crew, showcasing the heartwarming bond between humans and animals. Stay tuned for more adorable videos and stories from Julia and her furry friends.


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