These Easy Shrimp Appetizers Are Packed With Flavor


Here’s a little known fact about : She’s actually a really big fan of shrimp! She’s dreamed up plenty of over the years, like her and her . But shrimp isn’t just for a main course, it’s also a great way to kick things off at your next party. Whether you’re planning an elegant or a casual get-together with friends, you’ll definitely want to check out these easy shrimp appetizers! Not only are they quick to cook and incredibly versatile, but the light bites ahead are all worthy of a celebration (or should we say -ebration).

Ahead, you'll find classic shrimp appetizers, like shrimp cocktail and creamy shrimp dip, along with fun new favorites, like Tex-Mex shrimp bites and buffalo shrimp. Of course, there are also ideas for or even a for you and your loved one. Take it from Ree—her cattle-herding hubby Ladd will dig into a plate of shrimp when they're wrapped in bacon. Luckily, we've got Ree's bacon-shrimp skewer recipe and so much more!


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