Cat Keeps Stealing Things From Neighbors And Bring Them As ‘Gifts’ To Her Owners


China is not your average cat - she's a cat burglar! Her owner, Monica, recalls how it all started with China stealing clean socks and unraveled dog poop bags. As China expanded her "stealing territory," items like cigarettes and matches mysteriously appeared at Monica's door. Despite returning the items, China would bring them back, thinking they were gifts.

Monica decided to set up a camera to capture China in action and started sharing the videos on Songs Of My Felines. China's "gifts" ranged from gloves to scissors, leading Monica to return them to her neighbors out of fear of their reaction.


Surprisingly, the neighbors found China's antics amusing and were happy to have her "borrow" their items instead of raccoons invading.

The neighbors even set up a "return box" for China's treasures, ensuring they could retrieve their missing items. Monica was relieved by their positive response and delighted that they enjoyed China's escapades. So, would you be okay with a cat like China "borrowing" things from you? Share your thoughts in the comments section!


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