Homemade Cranberry Bagels Recipe


Bagels are a popular starchy and tasty treat that can be enjoyed on their own or used as a base for sandwiches. Homemade bagels are even better than store-bought ones, and this recipe for cranberry bagels is a great way to start making your own. The recipe includes ingredients like brown sugar, yeast, bread flour, dried cranberries, cinnamon, and orange zest. The dough is combined, kneaded, and flavored before being shaped into balls and rings. The bagels are then cooked in a baking soda and sugar bath before being baked in the oven. They can be served warm with various toppings and spreads, and can be stored for up to 2 days at room temperature or frozen for longer storage.


The key to success with this recipe is to follow the instructions carefully, including kneading and resting the dough for the right amount of time. The weather can also affect the rising time of the dough, so patience is key. The baking soda and brown sugar bath adds a delicious caramelized crust to the bagels.


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